Ground Source Heat Pumps

Ground source heat pumps work by extracting the thermal energy from the earth to aid in the heating of your home. They use pipes buried in the garden of your home to extract heat from the ground. This heat is then used to heat your hot water, radiators and under floor heating.

The heat is extracted from the ground via a loop of pipe, filled with a mixture of water and antifreeze, buried in your garden. The coil of pipe is either laid flat in trenches about 2 metres deep, or if space is an issue, the pipe can be installed vertically to a depth of 100m.

The temperature of the ground beneath the surface stays fairly constant throughout the year, so ground source heat pumps can be used even in the middle of winter.

If you would like further information or would like to discuss the possibilities of integrating renewable energy into your home or work place, please feel free to give us at Horizon a call. 

Approved Plumbers in Cornwall, Wadebridge, Bude, Camelford

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